San Juan Islands

At the end of June we got to take an amazing trip to the San Juan islands.  We went to Lopez, Orcas, Stuart, San Juan, and Sucia islands and had a blast.  Below is a collection of pictures I took on the trip in no particular order.  It was a very relaxing trip also filled with many adventures.  Lots of great wildlife, food, company and sunsets.  A typical day included a leisurely morning on the boat and transit to the next island followed with exploring of some sort followed by a fantastic dinner.  Highlights include a tour of the mansion at Rosario, farm to table dinner at West Sound, Turn Point Lighthouse, and hiking and exploring by dinghy. Thank you Lyn and Peggy for such a wonderful trip.


3 thoughts on “San Juan Islands”

  1. how beautiful a trip this was, just wow. Especially the mountains floating in the sky and the camo-seal, and close up of the bald eagle, oh my. Lucky you guys, and thanks for sharing. Sigh.

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